Creative Data Studio

UX transformation



UX transformation literally transforms existing, often, outdated product to a new one while keeping its core userbase and functionality.


UX transformation is a strategic, organization-wide process aimed at changing everything about its core product. Design and UX are just the visible parts of the iceberg.


Transformation is about integrating a user-centric mindset into every aspect of the business. Starting with the decision-making to product development. From customer service to marketing, to a language used and naming.

Every 4th project fails due to bad UX

You can’t ignore UX! Good UX is why users use the product and don’t quit it for better options.

Start with UX from the start of the project, even before the development. But if you already satrted the development – it’s not too late to make UX improvements.

Identify the biggest opportunity areas to satify your users and UX the most of it.

Cost of UX transformation

The cost of UX transformation starts at 5 000 Eur per user segment

Reach out to us, and we’ll discuss precise estimate

Benefits of UX transformation

With users at the heart of the business through a UX transformation, products and services become tailored to meet their needs and preferences. That leads to improved user satisfaction which then leads to higher purchase and more revenue.

UX transformation increases user engagement and conversion rates. But most importantly, when strategic KPIs are defined in the project research phases, UX transformation can be directed specifically toward achieving them.

The UX transformation process creates collaboration and unifies the organization around a shared product vision. The best product experiences in history are created not just by one dedicated team, but by the entire organization standing behind a common experience credo.

When users enjoy a positive experience with your products or services, they will likely to return and recommend your brand to others. This creates customer loyalty and builds long-term growth, resulting in increased income growth.

UX transformation services

from Creative Data Studio

UX transformation services simplify complex products. Together with marketing, UX transformation gives a second life to products that are forgotten, have fallen behind the market, or feel outdated.

Smooth UX Transformations with Expert Consulting

We collaborate closely with your development, marketing, design, business and other diverse teams to understand how and why the product succeeded in the first place. Through user research, we identify opportunities for improvement and develop a tailored UX transformation strategy to present to stakeholders.

User research as the basis for transformation strategy

Our approach blends user interviews, surveys, usability testing, and more to ensure your digital interfaces are functional and user-centric. Exploring user needs and behaviors drives informed design choices, improving user satisfaction and enhancing your brand’s reputation.

UX workshops for team alignment

Involving designers, developers, product owners, end-users, and other crucial team members in UX workshops ensures that everyone is heard and aligned. Often, these lively and opinionated workshops establish a vision based on mutual understanding that lasts throughout the product roadmap execution.

UX strategy sessions for long-term vision

A UX strategy needs to be developed carefully, as it’s not something a company can easily change overnight without considerable costs. To ensure consistency in user experience, we take UX strategy very seriously. Together with stakeholders, we define the product’s philosophy, the desired user experience, and the functions and design elements that will support it.

UX Design & Prototyping

Research shows that users prefer products with an intuitive and engaging user experience. Our service offers both UX/UI design and prototyping, which are essential components of the product development process, deeply rooted in user research and testing.

The UX Support service improves the accuracy of the final product

We do design documentation, consistency checks, and collaboration between designers and developers to ensure that the original design vision is accurately translated into the final product. With our expertise, you can be confident that your user experience meets expectations.

Change Management to adopt a user-centric mindset

We help companies and teams transition to user-centered thinking. By combining change management principles with UX best practices, we guide businesses to a user-centric approach implementation deep to their culture and operations.

UX Testing and idea Validation

User testing and idea validation in UX transformation provide insights, highlighting what’s working and what needs further improvement. With regular UX testing and idea validation, businesses ensures that their UX transformation activities are on the right track, leading to increased user satisfaction, higher engagement, and improved ROI.

Steps to for UX transformation

The core of a successful UX transformation is team alignment on the product’s vision, mission, and UX/UI strategy execution. When alignment is achieved, execution faces significantly fewer internal roadblocks, and the time to product launch is shorter than average.

Transformation takes a long time so Its important not to loose money on failing ideas. Second most important aspect is idea validation. By engaging users early and often, we tune the experience to fit real-world usage.

Iterative approach with regular and scheduled user testing sessions we ensure the product remains on track for reaching user and business goals.

Long-Term Vision

We help identify the end goal for your product strategy. This involves understanding the target user, what you want to offer them, and what they will give in return. Customers are happy to pay, promote, follow, and engage when they see personal value in a business’s offerings. We help you find and perfect that value – you finance the execution.

Business Strategy

We define and create key strategies where it is worth to invest to gain traction. When developing products and services, businesses tend to loose money, time and reputation chasing ovesaturated functionality or fake trends. With strategy and busines, user research we will rank features that will bring ROI.

Technology asessment

Your UX strategy should always be evolving based on new technology and customer needs. Establish innovation within your company and never be satisfied with finished product.

User Research

Start with your customers. By analyzing the most common issues brought up by your customers, you can stay on top of customer pain points. This is the most overlooked activity in the world.


Focus on the primary utility of a product and make its experience an indispensable aspect from user lives.

UI Design

Ensure that your design brings value to the customer instead of making art. Design has to be visually pleasing, and complement your product

UX testing

Approach your ideas as an “experiment” that needs to be tested by its customers.

Best UX

Create a product interface that allows users and customers to reach their goals quickly and with minimal resistance.

Poducts with impact.

Ready to revolutionize your user experience Our UX transformation specialists are at your service. Reach out to us and set forth on a path to unparalleled user delight.

How to not fail in UX transformation

UX transformation is hard, expensive and easy to fail with. When executed correctly it has a massive growth potential across many business dimensions. 

Some UX transformations rely on assumptions instead of user research. To ensure effective UX changes, it’s crucial to conduct user research and usability testing throughout the transformation process.

In pursuit of innovation, companies sometimes ignore their existing user base during the UX transformation process. To prevent this, involve current users in design decisions, gather their feedback, and test early. Openly discussing changes reduces risk of loosing existin paying customers.

When a UX transformation lacks full stakeholder support, especially from upper management, it often leads to underfunded, sacked, or unfinished products that are even worse than the original. To improve stakeholder involvement, workshops with compelling risk analysis, growth potential, market insights, and user research are essential.

Not using a qualitative research approach can lead to inevitable failure for digital product development. Relying only on numbers is risky. Numbers don’t lie, but they don’t explain why things are the way they are — qualitative research does. We use both in perfect harmony to show what is happening and why.

Best UX transformation

Reach us out and we will show you how UX transformation can guide you to a product decisions that reaches your target

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